LEADership training for Christ
Helping our kids learn the Bible and serve the Church
For nearly 20 years Leadership Training for Christ has been a huge part of our church’s mission to develop our young people into leaders in the church. LTC is offered to ages 3rd-12th grade during the school year. The kids spend time in God’s Word studying a different book of the Bible each year. In addition, there are many different events our kids can choose to participate in such as Chorus, Drama, Puppets, Teaching Challenge, Worship Challenge and many others.
LTC helps our youth gain a deeper understanding of the Bible while also equipping them to learn how to get comfortable with many different areas of leading and assisting in the church. The end of the LTC year culminates with a convention on Easter weekend where our kids can take a Bible quiz and then perform in the events they have chosen. Our church believes in LTC and the lifelong spiritual benefits it gives to each participant.