Faith @ Home is a cornerstone ministry at the Weatherford Church of Christ. it is our belief that a child's parents are his/her primary teachers, mentors, and models of what it means to be a follower of Jesus. To that end, our Faith @ Home ministry provides parents with helpful resources and information to help them lead their children on their faith journey.
For more information about our Faith @ Home ministry, click here.
Sunday Studies for Kids
Sunday, August 30th - Rewards of obeying Jesus
Sunday, August 23rd - “I Am”
Sunday, August 16th - Jesus is the light of the world
Sunday, August 9th - The Temptation of Jesus
Sunday, August 2nd - When Jesus was a Child
Sunday, July 26th - Peter Tells the Sanhedrin about Jesus
Sunday, July 19th - Jesus Sends Power from God
Sunday, July 12th - Jesus Appears to His Disciples
Sunday, July 5th - Jesus Rises from the dead
Sunday, June 28th - People Rejoice as jesus enters jerusalem
Sunday, June 21st - Jesus notices a widow’s giving
Sunday, June 14th - Jesus Explains Why God Sent Him
Sunday, June 7th - Jesus Clears the Temple
Weekly Family challenge
May 11, 2020
Click on the image to view a PDF of this week’s Family Challenge, including several ideas for family activities.
For our Family Challenge this week, we encourage you to spend time with your family learning and thinking about perseverance. What does it mean to persevere? How have you been challenged to persevere over the last few months?
May 4, 2020
Click on the image to view a PDF of this week’s Family Challenge, including several ideas for family activities.
“Courage is not the absence of fear, but the resistance and mastery of it.”
What is it that you fear most right now? Where do you need more courage? What about your children? Spend time this week learning about courage as a family.
April 27, 2020
Click on the image to view a PDF of this week’s Family Challenge, including several ideas for family activities.
One of the more difficult things for us to teach our children is the ability to control their emotions. Whining, crying, complaining, and fits of anger and frustration are not uncommon in most homes. And, if we’re honest, it’s not just our children who struggle with these things! As a family, make it a priority this week to discuss and learn about self-control.
April 20, 2020
Click on the image to view a PDF of this week’s Family Challenge, including several ideas for family activities.
It seems as though gentleness is a trait that comes naturally to some, while others of us have to train ourselves in it. Spend some time considering this character trait this week with your family, and challenge one another to practice gentleness in all areas of life.
April 13, 2020
Click on the image to view a PDF of this week’s Family Challenge, including several ideas for family activities.
If you’re like me, patience is often a difficult trait to practice. Edmund Burke once said, “Our patience will achieve more than our force.” This is an amazing truth, but it’s a truth that we often forget. Practicing patience is certainly challenging for many of us, but teaching our children patience is an entirely different struggle. Spend some time this week, as a family, considering what it means to be patient and practicing patience as best you can.
April 6, 2020
Click on the image to view a PDF of this week’s Family Challenge, including several ideas for family activities.
One of the most overlooked and underestimated character traits is that of thoughtfulness. All of us have been positively impacted by the thoughtfulness of someone else, and it’s easy for us to forget how much showing thoughtfulness can do to brighten someone’s day or change someone’s life. Challenge your family to be thoughtful about their thoughtfulness this week, and let’s do our part make our homes, communities, and world a brighter place.
March 30, 2020
Click on the image to view a PDF of this week’s Family Challenge, including several ideas for family activities.
One of the most difficult principles for our children to grasp is that of contentment. In a fast-food, microwave society, we are conditioned to expect what we want, when we want it, whether it is out of necessity or mere selfishness; that same temptation for us, as adults, is magnified in the inexperienced minds of our children. Challenge your family this week to discern between needs and wants, and focus together on the blessings of your current situation.
March 23, 2020
Click on the image to view a PDF of this week’s Family Challenge, including several ideas for family activities.
God is the most creative being that has ever existed - He is CREATOR! So, why should we be surprised that He calls us to use the talents and abilities He has given us? One of His greatest gifts to each of us is our mind…our imagination. Challenge yourself (and your family) this week to get creative, and get in tune with the greatest Creator of all!